Thursday, February 4, 2010

Funny Poets Dot Com

A website with list upon list of funny poems. Even some rude limericks, for those of us who love them and can never remember them. Anyone can submit a poem to the site.

Here's a wonderful one. I may have to take these words to my poet kids during class.

Eschewing Obfuscation

The raison d'etre of this dissertation is an etude in eschewing obfuscation.

Each day, with cyclicality quotidian,
Ante- if you wish, or post-meridian,
Make a time for self-examination
For floccinaucinihilipilification.

And if encountered in this introspection,
Expunge it! Hurl it forth in firm rejection.
For surely there's a modicum of worth
In everything God put upon the earth.

Ex nihilo, for certain, nihil fit
So take a chance, and see what comes of it.

(The raison d'etre of this dissertation
Is an etude in eschewing obfuscation,
For hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian
Words to me, are obviously alien.

Copyright; Tad Lawson

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