Saturday, August 1, 2009

Slowly Getting The Poem Back In

I've been dead. Getting back to life, slowly, and finding blogs I want to link to, photos I want to share, snatches of poems I want to listen to and lift out. First steps:

1. Found a great great visual art blog: Accidental Mysteries: and today's post is "Poultry In Motion" -- great poem bird pun. Here. I won't plagiarize the photos, but do go look. My favorite ones are the face out of toilet paper tubes, and the Newspaper Blackout Poems. Here's one of them. Make sure you click on it to enlarge and read.

2. I've had some little poem publishing success. The 2009 issue of The Sand Hill Review has two of my poems, one of which is technically in four part. 'The Wife' (which I already need to revise) and 'Concussion Sonnets'. Am currently thinking about Depression Sonnets. And Anxiety Sonnets. I'm grateful to Janice for asking for my work. I don't get "out" much any more these days.

3. I also had a line of mine accepted into Nils Peterson's project: Santa Clara County: A Family Album 2009. Nils is the poet laureate of Santa Clara County and he invited poets (like me and you) to submit short lines, which he wove into a single ode to the valley. It was fun, and even though I got my entry in late, I got it in! You can read the poem here. My line is, 'with my wet laundry, I startle a doe.'

That's enough -- two days worth of posts. Whew. I'm reading Suite Francaise (thanks to Ray for the suggestion) and just finished Wind in the Willows again, although I'm not sure I ever read the whole thing before. What a dreamy book. My husband's favorite children's book.

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